Here we show you the projects that we support annually with 2% of our sales

"Vortex Solutions' financial support provides many girls and boys from poor or broken families with proper care and education. Children from difficult backgrounds in particular are very grateful when they can attend school and graduate, which makes it easier for them to choose a career later on."
- Quote from Pierre Farine, Managing Director of Kinderhilfe Emmaus

Since 2021, we support the children's charity "Hogares del Espíritu Santo" in Buenos Aires (Argentina) for the first time. It is run by Sister Elsa Dora Naveiro and looks after orphans or children from problematic families.
The children's home, which has existed since 1966, is currently home to 41 boys and girls who are often assigned to the home by the local social service. In the home the children receive everything they need to live. Here they receive meals, dental, medical and psychological care and can attend the affiliated school free of charge. Around 600 children are taught in the crèche, primary and secondary school, which consists of twelve classrooms, a computer room and a music room.
The home also oversees a sponsorship program run by Kinderhilfe Emmaus, which currently has 106 children.
Here you can find out more about the projects of Kinderhilfe Emmaus: www.kinderhilfe-emmaus.ch

At the end of 2019, the Colombian population's displeasure with the government was expressed in loud protests. Throughout the country, people took to the streets to demand a fairer social system and to protest against the poor implementation of the peace agreement. The government's failure to control the peace process is demonstrated by the increasing number of political assassinations, which mainly affect social activists, human rights activists and indigenous leaders.
This situation confirms the importance of Horyzon and YMCA Colombia programme: Through Paza la Paz, 1,571 young people were trained in the topics "peaceful coexistence", "democratic participa- tion" and "entrepreneurship" in 2019. The young people come from the lowest social strata and live in slums where they are confronted with violence and crime on a daily basis.
In the area of "peaceful coexistence", the young people are strengthened in their ability to work for peace and to act as mediators in conflicts. For example, young people from the Mojica neighbour- hood in Cali defused a territorial conflict between two criminal gangs by creating a graffiti for peace with the help of the entire neighbourhood.
In the "Democratic Participation" section, young people are informed about their rights and duties as civil citizens. In addition, they are supported in taking part in the active shaping of their neighbour- hoods through their own initiatives and in demanding their rights before decision-makers. In Quindío, on the International Day of Peace, 21 September 2019, the youth of Paza la Paz carried out a street action on the theme of peace and gender equality.

Key figures 2019:
-806 young women and 765 young men between the ages of 14 and 28 completed the 80-hour "Paza la Paz" training program
-184 young people completed training as youth leaders
-490 young people participated actively in school, community or political committees
-30 micro-enterprises were founded by young people and supported with seed capital
Program effort 2019:
CHF 365 321.-
In the area of "entrepreneurship", the young people learned how to generate income through their own entrepreneurial initiatives. They went through a course programme on finance and budgets, income and expenditure, project management, creative economy and innovation. In Bogotá, Anyul, a youth leader from the project Paza la Paz, founded her own company "Smile Galaxy". Her moving story was captured in a short film.
In 2019 the project responsibility for Paza la Paz was handed over from Bruno Essig to Isabelle Aebersold. The report of the joint programme visit in July 2019 can be found here.

"The financial support from Vortex Solutions offers many children and young people with disabilities appropriate care, development and education. This gives them the chance to survive their later life independently."
- Quote from Pierre Farine, Managing Director of Kinderhilfe Emmaus

As in 2018, we also helped in 2019 to improve the lot of many girls and boys in La Paz (Bolivia). Thanks to our customers, we were able to support the curative education center Fundación Atipaña with a generous amount in 2019. The curative education center "Fundación Atipaña" in El Alto was founded in September 2016 and is still being set up. The team consists of three part-time employees - a social worker, a physiotherapist and a psychologist. It currently looks after and treats eight children and young people with multiple disabilities and three women with rheumatoid arthritis from poor families. Six children receive regular therapy from the psychologist, often including the siblings who are present. The center takes a holistic and interdisciplinary approach. Parents and carers are instructed on how to continue the therapies and exercises with the children at home. In this way, the subsequent integration of children and young people in public schools is made much easier.
Here you can find out more about the projects of Kinderhilfe Emmaus: www.kinderhilfe-emmaus.ch

“Thanks to the financial support from Vortex Solutions, the children have a future in their home country. For us as an aid organization, working with trustworthy partners is of enormous value. "
- Quote from Julia Albers, managing director of Pro Adelphos

With the After-School Project in Moldova, we are helping children on the margins of society to find perspective. The Pro Adelphos Relief Organisation has launched this project providing vulnerable children support with their school homework and holistic care in community centres. Thus, they can successfully complete an apprenticeship and grow into independent and constructive members of society. With this collaboration we are supporting a generation that is creating future prospects in their own country.
Learn more about the projects of Pro Adelphos here: www.proadelphos.ch

Progress report for VORTEX SOLUTIONS (2018)
With the After School project in Moldova, we are helping children who are on the margins of society to find a perspective. The Pro Adelphos aid organization launched the project, in which children at risk receive help with schoolwork in community centers and receive comprehensive care. In this way, they can successfully complete an apprenticeship and grow into independent and constructive members of society. With this collaboration, we are supporting a generation that is creating future prospects in their own country.
You can find out more about Pro Adelphos' projects here: www.proadelphos.ch

You supported the after-school project in Moldova with 7,500 francs at the end of 2017.
Thanks to your support, the Pro Adelphos Foundation was able to continue looking after over 100 school children in four community centers in Moldova for one year.
The following community centers benefited from your financial support:
Community center Antonesti with daily meals, homework help, handicraft and biblical lessons for 30 children
Cantemir community center with daily meals, homework help, English and guitar lessons, handicrafts and biblical lessons for 30 children
Community center Straseni with daily meals, English and guitar lessons, handicrafts and weekly Bible lessons for 20 children
Community center Palanca with daily meals, games, handicrafts and homework help for 25 children
Four churches made their rooms available to us for lunch and for looking after the children. 7 employees and 16 volunteers were involved in looking after and catering for the children.
Thanks to your financial support , our teams in Moldova were able to carry out the following activities for the 105 children:
Cook 26,900 warm and healthy lunches for the children
Regular help from teachers and trained volunteers with homework for all children
Provide access to the local library for all children
basic computer skills (Microsoft Office)
twice a week career choice for interested children
weekly handicrafts such as knitting, painting, tying flowers, decorating greeting cards and folding origami for all interested children
weekly workshops such as cooking and reading aloud
weekly sewing lessons for interested children
weekly guitar lessons for interested children
providing showers and washing machines and teaching children about personal hygiene
Bible lessons with biblical story, songs, games and worksheets for all interested children
Coordinating volunteer work, in which the children, for example, collect rubbish, tidy up the park and support older people in the household
daily sports and games for all children
Organize birthday parties for the children
and provide pastoral care and moral support to all children involved.
We receive a lot of positive and grateful feedback from the class teachers, parents and relatives about the children involved.
The principals of the local schools support our work, provide classrooms or the auditorium for activities, as they perceive the positive influence of our work on the children.
Through all of these activities we achieved that the children who attended school only irregularly or who achieved poor grades were better prepared for school lessons, attended school more often, were more motivated and achieved much better grades.